Like Watching Baboons Try to Operate a Microwave: Fox News debated climate change yesterday.

Why Are You Still Talking? Mitt Romney thinks Bill Clinton "embarrassed the nation" with the Lewinsky affair.

Morning Wood: Beck's new album, Morning Phase, is streaming at NPR. It's really good.

It's Not Harry Potter, So Chill Out: J.K. Rowling is publishing another of those Robert Galbraith thrillers. The Silkworm is due in June.

"The Homme Fatale" It's not every year that I declare a Cracked article to be a must-read, but "The 6 Male Characters Women Never Get to See in Movies" is funny and absolutely right-on. Here's the first paragraph of "The Wet Blanket":

The girls in your movie know how to have fun, but at least one of their husbands is a crazy killjoy. This guy yells at her that she does not have responsibility, and she looks at her friends and rolls her eyes. Sometimes the girls are doing crime together, and the man is at home worrying that they will be caught for their crime. "What were you doing? Were you out doing crime?" he yells when she comes home late, while tears drip into his beard. He is upset and unfulfilled because he can't have as much fun and excitement as the character who is doing crime, but he's just too uptight to loosen up.

HERE COME BUNNIES: Insert "hop to it" pun here.