Hey, look at this! Christopher Nolan's cinematographer, Wally Pfister, has directed a movie. It's called Transcendence and it's about an attempt to upload a dying man's consciousness into a computer.

The movie stars Johnny Depp, which means this movie is probably going to live or die on Johnny Depp's popularity. Depp's public image has gone through a real sea change over the last couple years, from one of the most bankable stars in the world to a hack who keeps pushing the "weird" button over and over again while expecting the same results every time. (Dark Shadows and The Lone Ranger were heinous missteps. Also, I think when Abed referred to Johnny Depp as "the bad kind of good" actor in an episode of Community a few weeks back, he really nailed the problem.) So Depp is badly in need of credibility, which means he's badly in need of a non-Disney hit movie. Transcendence is a project that's had a lot of buzz in Hollywood for a very long time. So now the question is: Can Depp pull it out? What do you think?