
[Moved up because Friday approaches!]

A&P: It stands for Art & Performance, it's Seattle's Only Arts Magazine™, and the next issue comes out on March 5.

If you didn't save a copy of the spring A&P, they're still out in special boxes on the street and in galleries and all sorts of other places. And look: A&P is all here online, including calendars of what you should NOT be missing in Seattle arts RIGHT NOW. If you want to page through a PDF of the whole issue as it appears in print, you can do that too.

And if you're an artist or performer or arts organization or bookstore or whatever that would like your summer event(s) listed in the next A&P, info for events from March 5 through June 10 is due to us by end of day Friday, Jan 31, at calendar@seattleaandp.com. Send it on over!