A tool-using non-avian dinosaur.
  • photos.com
  • A tool-using non-avian dinosaur.
• CLEVER GIRL: Jurassic Park's scientifically inaccurate velociraptors opened doors and exhibited other problem-solving behaviors, but generally science has indicated that the brain-to-body ratio of most dinosaurs probably meant they weren't very bright. But a new study reveals evidence that some alligators and crocodiles may use tools to hunt. So might dinosaurs have been capable of similar behavior? The study's authors seem to think so, saying, "Phylogenetic bracketing by birds and crocodilians suggests that the behavior of non-avian dinosaurs was most likely very complex as well." Dinosaur blogger Brian Switek has these thoughts:
"If non-avian dinosaurs were generally on par with living reptiles, and living reptiles are smarter than expected, then it’s not unreasonable to wonder about tool-using dinosaurs."

I'd like to think that the tool-using skills of some avian dinosaurs (a.k.a. birds) means that at least some of their non-avian ancestors were more clever than we realize.

• SPACECRAFT: Astronaut Karen Nyberg has made the first toy produced in space… and it's a stuffed dinosaur:

The little T-rex is made from the lining of Russian food containers and the toy is stuffed with scraps from an old T-shirt.
You can check out photos of Nyberg and her adorable creation here. (Thanks, Slog-tipper RenĂŠe, for the tip and for letting me steal your pun!)

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