Not in order.

10. "The Separating Sickness," Rebecca Solnit
9. "Video of Violent, Rioting Surfers Shows White Culture of Lawlessness," Cord Jefferson
8. "It's Not About the Stoners," Dominic Holden (first read in 2012, reread in 2013)
7. "After Newtown shooting, mourning parents enter into the lonely quiet," Eli Saslow
6. "The Evolution of Knowledge," Nicolo Tucci
5. "Girl in the Shadows: Dasani's Homeless Life," all five parts, Andrea Elliott
4. "My Parents Told Me the Sad Truth About America," Charles Mudede
3. "If He Hollers Let Him Go: Searching for Dave Chappelle Ten Years After He Left His Own Show," Rachel Kaadzi Ghansah
2. "If Comedy Has No Lady Problem, Why Am I Getting So Many Rape Jokes?," Lindy West (written word, performed word)
1. "Dig Deep: Beyond Lean In," bell hooks