This is really happening. Republicans are upset about a photograph advertising Obamacare and using it to propel "think-pieces" about how a photograph of a guy in footie pajamas is a sign of everything that's wrong with the Obama Administration:’s hard not to see Pajama Boy as an expression of the Obama vision, just like his forbear Julia, the Internet cartoon from the 2012 campaign. Pajama Boy is Julia’s little brother. She progressed through life without any significant family or community connections. He is the picture of perpetual adolescence. Neither is a symbol of self-reliant, responsible adulthood.

Really, Rich Lowry? It's really hard to not see a photograph of a guy in pajamas as an expression of an entire president's time in office and his goals for America's future? Somehow, I think you might want to restate your case. But Rich Lowry writing a misguided essay about something stupid is what we in the business call "Wednesday." The real news is that even nationally respected Republican leaders are jumping on the pajama-hate bandwagon:

What's the political equivalent of a slow news day?

And what's next? What could they possibly do for an encore after this? Are Republicans going to get on the pro-fat-shaming bandwagon by harassing a universally adored actress like, say, Jennifer Lawrence? Uh, yes. They're going to do exactly that.