The Old Sage: mural of locomotive at left, Arthur Denny center.
  • Kelly O
  • The Old Sage: mural of locomotive at left, Arthur Denny center.

The Old Sage serves a roll that costs nine dollars. On the menu, it's called "Butter Flake Bread," and it is, in fact, buttery without being at all greasy, and it is full of light, flaky layers. It comes with a pat of particularly delicious cultured butter with tiny bits of chive and sea salt on top, and one side of the Butter Flake Bread, where the butter congregates, is extra crisped and extra tasty. The Butter Flake Bread appears to have miniscule flecks of herbs in it. Still, it is a roll—a single roll, made of bread—and it costs $9.

"It's pretty good, for a roll," the person I shared the roll with said...

KEEP READING for the $1,100 cocktail! > > >