When Ford announced it would stop producing Crown Victorias, the staple of police car fleets from New York to Los Angeles, in 2011, police departments across the country realized they'd have to find a new model of squad car to phase in as old ones wore out. The decision must be made carefully: Police cars must withstand constant use, dangerous driving, and all weather conditions; suspects must be able to get in and out of them safely while handcuffed; and, as cities make fleets more environmentally sound, there are serious concerns about fuel efficiency.

Here in Seattle, the city has identified a half dozen potential replacement models for its fleet of around 300 cop cars, tested them for more than a year, and said it will announce a winner in the next few months.

But while city spokespeople say the process is going smoothly—and it's partly on hold now while the mayor's office changes hands—the union representing roughly 1,200 Seattle cops seems to feel otherwise, claiming that a decision was already made by officers and then rejected at city hall.

In the November issue of the Guardian, the newspaper of the Seattle Police Officers' Guild (SPOG), vice president Sergeant Ty Elster complains that the city ignored cops' recommendation. He writes that "after many months of SPOG members testing, evaluating, and researching vehicles," when the cops announced their pick, "City Hall didn't like our selection."

What was that winning vehicle? A Ford Interceptor SUV.

Just picture it: A brand-new fleet of hulking police SUVs cruising the city while the department tries to soften its image. The department is currently under a federal consent decree that contends police have used excessive force and racially biased tactics. Not to mention the city is also trying to meet new climate goals.

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