In the comments of Anna's post asking if any of you had any questions for Sam Bellomio or Sally Bagshaw during our endorsement meeting, Gurldoggie asked:

Does he have any history of actually cooperating with anyone to get something done? Does he intend to cooperate with the City Council if he becomes a member, or is he planning to keep shooting his mouth off and picking fights? Because it sounds like the same ineffective Tea party strategy to me.

I asked Bellomio this question exactly, and here, transcribed from my recording, is his answer:

So I was actually a part of Occupy Seattle, and part of the demands group, and I coordinated with twenty some-odd people and we went out and we collected what everyone's grievance was. What is the issue? Why are we here? What would make this end? We created a 38-page document and I was in charge of the whole thing. I brought it to City Hall, I got no response to all my e-mails to show they didn't engage and all they could do was make a simple decree, 'we support Occupy Seattle.' So I was able to facilitate and say 'what are your concerns.' All I want to do is bring the community together, what are your concerns? I have none of the answers. I have one answer. We have a thousand people, we have a thousand answers and one of those are going to be the right answer. So asking me to be the say-all, end-all of the discussion? I can't be!

At that point, Goldy pointed out that we vote people in to make decisions. Bellomio responded:

That's the problem with America, we vote for someone else to tell us what to do.

So I guess that's your answer, Gurldoggie?