Kemper Freeman wants helicopters for the very rich, freeways for everyone else, and absolutely no light rail to Bellevue. Things havent been going his way lately.
  • John Malta
  • Kemper Freeman wants helicopters for the very rich, freeways for everyone else, and absolutely no light rail to Bellevue. Things haven't been going his way lately.

As Goldy noted, Bellevue Square owner Kemper Freeman just lost his State Supreme Court fight to keep light rail from going over the I-90 floating bridge. It's merely the latest in a string of Freeman losses going back almost two decades.

Over the years, he's spent millions of his own dollars fighting Sound Transit specifically, and light rail generally, at every level of state government. He donated to—and personally helped lead—the 1995 and 1996 campaigns against creating light rail in the first place, and then he did the same for the 2008 campaign against extending light rail from Seattle to Bellevue. When those efforts failed at the polls, he hired lawyers to bring the lawsuit that just failed to go his way at the State Supreme Court.

What is up with this guy?

In 2011, I went to Bellevue, sat with Freeman in his office, and tried to figure it all out:

Freeman says voters have repeatedly backed light rail—including in a 2008 vote that showed 56 percent of Bellevue residents wanting light rail to the Eastside—because Sound Transit has been conducting "the largest scale of brainwashing on any topic in the Northwest"...

To him, Sound Transit is a nemesis, "a 100 percent out-of-control, irresponsible agency" that is spending "a million dollars a month" to put out ideas that are "entirely false"—an agency that needs to be stopped, by whatever means he can muster.

And, here's my full interview with Freeman, in which he talked about why global warming is just political nonsense, how it feels to know women who wear muumuus, and what the world looks like from a 737 with skis.