Ever wished you could spend all day, every day at City Hall, eavesdropping on the mundane conversations of Seattle's political elite and bearing witness to their process-heavy meetings and elevator spats? Well, now you can! Kind of. Sit back and digest what all these delightful khaki-wearing motherfuckers at Fourth Avenue and Cherry Street did over the past week...

Densinista-in-Chief Richard Conlin Says "No More Strip Malls!": Really, he said that. Conlin introduced emergency legislation this week that would force developers to build to a certain size and scale in the most pedestrian-friendly spots in Seattle, in response to recent news of some bullshit corporate pharmacy projects massively under-developing precious corner lots all over the city. Council will vote on it Monday.

OMG, They Drank the War-on-Cars Kool-Aid: We're doomed! On Monday, City council members voted unanimously to approve two bills that are "essential for creating a local bike share network" in early 2014, reports Seattle Transit Blog.

Harrell Endorses Murray: Council Member Bruce Harrell came out as a Murray fan yesterday with his "official and unconditional endorsement," reports PubliCola, bringing the total number of council members backing Murray to four (Burgess, Clark, and Rasmussen are also mayor-hatin' Murray lovers). Murray took the opportunity to trot out the downtown-crime-is-up meme.

Nickelsville resident John Jolly, with Sadie.
  • Kelly O
  • Nickelsville resident John Jolly, with Sadie.
Nickelsville Splits Up: Last weekend, Nickelsville residents packed up and left their West Seattle site for three new sites. I asked Real Change's Tim Harris what he thinks of the way Seattle City Council has dealt with Nickelsville, and he was unflinchingly critical, saying their throw-a-little-money-at-it plan was "a misguided strategy" that was "never more than wishful thinking" and that anti-encampment council members are "apparently incapable of critical thought on the issue." Buuuuuurn. "Nickelsville," he says, "has always done what it needs to do to survive, because people on the street do what they need to do to survive."

Everyone Supports Russian Gays: Both Mayor Mike McGinn and aspiring mayor Ed Murray showed up outside the Russian consulate on Tuesday night to protest Russia's ongoing homophobia.

Everyone Loves Learning: Tim Burgess is pushing a conversation on Goldy's favorite subject: creating a universal early learning program in Seattle. (His other favorites are gardening, taxes, and what kind of pizza is "authentic.") Here's Burgess's bill and here's Goldy's 20,000 word essay on the funding, the problems, and state lawmakers' balls.

Speeding Ticket Money Goes to Road Safety Near Schools: Mayor McGinn explained what roughly $14.8 million from the city's growing network of school-zone speed cameras will fund. Council Member Nick Licata says the council deserves credit for forcing the mayor's hand and setting aside all the traffic-cam money in a special fund.

Sweet-Ass Nasturtiums: The best spot at City Hall, if you have to go there sometime, is the weird balcony with a garden on the seventh floor. Shit is lovely.

L'Shana Tova: Council meetings set for yesterday and today were politely canceled out of respect for Rosh Hashanah.

Meanwhile, Jean Godden Wonders if She Should Eat Her Hempfest Doritos:

Yes, Jean, you should. But only if you stop by our office to blaze up first.