A friend just pointed me to the work of artist Sophia Wallace, whose made it her one-woman mission to up the world's cliteracy rates by educating people on "100 Laws" of the clitoris:

New York artist Sophia Wallace wants you—and everyone you know—to be cliterate.

"It's appalling and shocking to think that scientifically, the clitoris was only discovered in 1998," Wallace told The Huffington Post from her Brooklyn studio last week. "But really, it may as well have never been discovered at all because there's still such ignorance when it comes to the female body."

The clitoris, described as the only human body part that exists solely for pleasure, is not merely a little "button" hidden between a woman's legs, but rather a large, mostly internal organ many people don't know about, Wallace explains.

Wallace's laws aren't really laws so much as they're fascinating, heartbreaking statements. Take this one: "One surgeon in the world repairs the clitoris in women who have undergone genital mutilation." (There's actually more than one surgeon performing this surgery now—but we're still only talking about a handful in the world. And the doctor who invented the practice has received numerous death threats for his practice.)

Go learn something about the clitoris. It'll make you happy (and sad).

Thanks, Amy!