Bless you, Slog tipper Bridget, for passing this unforgettable opportunity along:

Dads, escort your daughter to an unforgettable event where hundreds of young ladies dressed in formal attire and their dashing fathers will celebrate purity! This extraordinary evening includes an elegant atmosphere, pictures, gourmet dinner and dessert, flowers, music and other surprises sure to delight both father and daughter. Legacy’s President and popular speaker, Carrie Abbott, will deliver a unique message to dads and daughters and our Master of Ceremonies will facilitate a purity covenant.

This charming event, which happens this Saturday night, is open to daughters aged 12-19 and their fathers of indiscriminate age. "Just envision the priceless picture of hundreds of young ladies being encouraged to have high standards together," gushes the FAQ sheet, which goes on to explain that the event will also "be a great opportunity to expose pre-Christian friends to the love of Jesus Christ in a non-threatening way."

I think this overpriced ball would be much more fun—and far less sexist—if it was about celebrating purity together, meaning that these fathers were vowing to remain chaste for as long as their teens do, and vice versa.

Picture a legion of middle-aged dads choking down a chastity vow. That is the future I hope to someday live in, post-Christian saints be praised!