Republican politicians in the Minnesota legislature who forced an anti-gay marriage amendment on to the 2012 ballot in that state—same-sex marriage was already illegal in Minnesota but it wasn't unconstitutional—thought it would be an easy victory. It was supposed to work the way all those 2004 anti-gay-marriage amendments worked: crank up the bigots, drive up the turnout, elect the GOP nominee(s). But the ground shifted between the summer of 2011, when the ballot measure was approved by the legislature, and November of 2012, when voters went to the polls. Minnesota voters rejected the amendment by a decisive five-point margin. Emboldened by this expression of support for marriage equality by a majority of voters in Minnesota, the legislature in that state is on the verge of legalizing gay marriage. Right now it's a race between Minnesota and Delaware to see who will be the eleventh state to legalize same-sex marriage.

Good work, haters!