I'll write a May Day wrap-up post (with lots of photos) later, since May Day is still happening.

But here's a quick one—I talked to a few journalists at today's El Comite/immigration reform march who seemed irritated that the "anarchist" and "political vandalism" question seemed to be looming larger than immigration rights. As one person said, gesturing to the marchers "these poor people are being completely overshadowed."

Maybe. But to that I say three things: (1) That's in your head, pal, not mine. (2) That sounds a little condescending. (3) Some immigration-reform marchers were only too happy to be associated with the other May Day, including this guy. His name is Dani.

  • bk

"There will be little kids and elderly people at this march," he said, "so doing something [such as political vandalism] so the cops come in and grab people could be a problem. But if they do their thing, I have no quarrel with that. If they wanna beat the shit out of Bank of America, that's fine with me. Niketown, same thing. Fuck those guys."

I'm off to the next event. More later.