Ever since we privatized liquor sales in Washington State, people have been slowly figuring out new liquor-buying routines. And I haven't figured it out yet at all. I don't tend to go to the former state stores that have now become liquor marts because the now-higher prices are still so jarring and I rarely see sales like I can find at a grocery store. But the selection at most grocery stores is totally abysmal and frustrating. Surely I am not alone in this? (I am admittedly kind of a doofus, but still.) This weekend, a reader wrote in to ask if we'd considered reviewing liquor stores, and it's a fucking great idea. But where to start? I, for one, would appreciate a little crowdsourced knowledge of the new boozescape. Where do you buy your liquor? Who has the best selection? Who has the best prices? Are there any tricks? (Other than setting up your own still, please.) Or is everyone just going on massive liquor runs to California every few months?