Some would say a photo like this proves were having a nice day. Others might point out that this photo is not necessarily evidence a nice day is being had.
  • Some would say a photo like this proves we're having a nice day. Others might point out that this photo is not necessarily evidence a nice day is being had.

A constituent asked me earlier today, "Sally, isn't it a nice day?" I'm glad this passerby raised the question. It was a qualitative inquiry that my colleagues on the Seattle City Council and I have been asking ourselves since widespread interest about today's status was introduced to our attention by our interim communications manager, Dan Nolte. First, as council president, I want to recognize that many neighborhood groups have important perspectives about today's niceness, and we as Council are foremost committed to recognizing the concerns and interests of Seattle's vital neighborhoods—where we live, work, and play—when coming to conclusions about whether this is a nice day or not.

Naturally, I cannot presume to speak for the entire city on this matter. Although some Seattle residents appreciate that the gleaming rays of sun are warm, and see warmth as a welcome instance of outdoor comfort after a string of many cool days, other people with certain skin conditions might justifiably note that UV rays aren't without consequence for some individuals. We are listening closely to those concerns. And while others embrace the gentle breeze and the sweet scent of blossoms in the air, we know that irritating allergens also ride on those winds. Others still tell us of unwelcome, frigid gusts.

Overall, it would be premature to make a subjective judgement about today's niceness.

Certain elected leaders at City Hall might jump to make a conclusive determination that "today is indeed nice" without considering all of the information available. But as the grown-ups in the room—that is, my seven Council colleagues whose first names don't rhyme with "trike"—we naturally require a data-driven, comprehensive examination of the full day. Some eight hours remain, and we think it would be a mistake to prejudge the day before accounting for the full 24 hours.

Within the coming weeks, the Council will announce a schedule of public hearings in order to provide comment from citizens on how they feel about whether or not the day is nice. The Council then will consider whether to make a final determination of the issue via councilmanic action or by referring the question of day niceness to the ballot for a public vote.

Thank you for your interest, and have a nice day.