Are you prepared to be underwhelmed by me in movie theaters this summer?
  • Vic DeLeon
  • "Are you prepared to be underwhelmed by me in movie theaters this summer?"

...costumes! Emerald City Comicon dominated Slog last weekend.You played games, nerds. You talked amongst yourselves. You palled around with Billy Dee Williams. You like spandex. No, you really like spandex. Like, anybody with a serious spandex allergy better have stayed miles away from the Convention Center last week. But for the sweet love of Christ: Please don't do blackface anymore, okay?

...idiots with presidential aspirations! 2016 frontrunner Rand Paul speechified, managed to be right on a single issue, and successfully hid his closet full of dancing skeletons for the moment. Meanwhile, 2016 frontrunner Jeb Bush hated on immigrants, disagreed with himself about immigration, and generally made a giant mess of himself on the national stage. Also, 2016 frontrunner Rick Santorum made a splash just by being, well, Rick Santorum. In fact, the whole goddamned Republican Party is in great shape for the next election, really.

...speaking your mind on Twitter! Marilyn McKenna is obviously the best Twitter-user in the known universe. Hands down.

...flopping publicly! Who had a worse week? Mike McGinn barely tied for a weak first in the first mayoral poll of the year, most notably leading with Republicans. But Seattle-area schools dealt with racism, public outrage, and more public outrage. I think the winner of that contest is pretty obvious. At least Mercer Island students get to cozy up with some nice new Apple products; McGinn can't even be friendly with his city attorney anymore.

...bacteria! Those lucky bastards got to eat for free at a restaurant in Seattle and at the best restaurant in the world.

...Jinkx Monsoon, who is now officially Queen of Everything!