What a funny name this fellow has! At first I thought his first name was "Matt," but it turns out, he's called "Mitt!" How silly! And "Romney?" That name rings a bell...something political, I believe. It beckons to me from the past. Ah, yes! A quick Google search informs me that a man named "Romney" ran for president in 1968! Assuming he was 40 then, that means this gentleman is at least in his eighties. He's held together quite well, wouldn't you say? Let's see what the codger has to say:

Okay, first of all, I'm unsure what a political candidate from the distant past who now lives a life of comfortable retirement has to do with anything. Second of all, Mr. Romney is an old-fashioned conservative, whose beliefs clearly have nothing to do with the twenty-first century. He's a relic of a conservatism that doesn't apply to the modern world. Surely, there is a place for this ancient political candidate to share the wisdom of his experiences, but asking him about modern political dilemmas is kind of like asking a neanderthal for favorite poutine recipes. Let the old man go to his retirement with some dignity, rather than asking him to rehash the glory days of his outdated campaign for the entertainment and amusement of modern audiences.