I hate to be one of those people who gets back from a trip and keeps yapping on about it, but... does anyone know where to get Burmese-style cheroots in Seattle?

I'm not talking about those frighteningly giant tobacco cylinders, the size of paper-towel rolls, that the old ladies seem to like so much. I mean the little conical green ones like these. They were great.

I disassembled one and it seemed like rough-chopped tobacco wrapped in a large, green, foresty-smelling leaf with a filter of pulped-up tree bark. And they have a pleasantly light, botanical smell—or at least I thought so—not as offensively sharp as a cigarette or bludgeon-heavy as a cigar.

If anyone sells them in the Seattle area, I'd love to know where.

Speaking of smokes, here's a paragraph Mark Twain wrote in a letter to his friend L. M. Powers:

I know a good cigar better than you do, for I have had sixty years' experience. No, that is not what I mean; I mean I know a bad cigar better than anybody else. I judge by the price only; if it costs above 5 cents, I know it to be either foreign or half foreign and unsmokable. By me I have many boxes of Havana cigars, of all prices, from 20 cents apiece up to $1.66 apiece; I bought none of them; they were all presents; they are an accumulation of several years. I have never smoked one of them, and never shall. I work them off on the visitor. You shall have a chance when you come.

Twain might have liked cheroots. They're cheap.