The Washington Post notes that Republicans are busy shitting all over Mitt Romney's awful "gift" comments from yesterday:

Added Chris LaCivita, a senior party operative: “The comment just reinforced a perception — fairly or not – that Romney, and by default, the GOP are the party of the ‘exclusives’. It’s time for us to move on and focus on the future leaders within the GOP.”

Speaking of those future leaders, several of the candidates talked about as 2016 presidential possibilities quickly condemned Romney’s comments as well.

We have got to stop dividing American voters,” said Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. “I absolutely reject that notion, that description … We’re fighting for 100 percent of the vote.” Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker added that the Republican party isn’t “just for people who are currently not dependent on the government.”

Meanwhile, Marco Rubio is talking about immigration in a way that does not immediately make every Latino within earshot want to kill themselves. Is it possible that Republicans have actually learned a lesson?