We're all with you, Felix Baumgartner. We hope you get to do your thing on Monday or Tuesday, and for the love of god, that all goes well.

As a gift to you for your jump, the artist Eric Eley is holding onto your fear for you.

Eley's current show at Platform Gallery was inspired by the former world record-holder in free falling (who's on tap to be the only person in direct contact with Baumgartner over headphones during his jump), and the show is entirely devoted to Eley's own fear of falling. In its honor, he built sculptures of painfully heavy but bandage-like whiteish parachutes, and made drawings that look like aerial maps of the ground upon which he could be mercilessly, mercilessly squished.

Eric Eley, everybody.*

  • Platform Gallery/Eric Eley

*Eley, I really like this little turn away from your pretty purely abstract usual and into the slightly neurotic. Or maybe I can just relate.