Mitt Romney is fond of saying that President Obama has not created one single job in his term as president. This is technically true, because the US was hemorrhaging jobs when Obama took office, and we've been digging out of that hole ever since. But Talking Points Memo now brings the news that the revised jobs numbers mean Mitt Romney can't use that particular factoid anymore:

Revised jobs numbers released Thursday found that 386,000 more jobs were created since 2011 than the government had previously reported — a figure that means more jobs have been created than lost on balance during President Obama’s first term...the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that it had under-counted private sector net job growth from April 2011 through March 2012 by 453,000, and over-counted new government jobs by 67,000. That’s 386,000 net new jobs created — enough to put Obama into positive net job growth territory since taking office, a time when the economy was in free fall.

This doesn't necessarily mean Romney will stop saying Obama hasn't created one job—he's not been taking the fact checks to heart in the last few months—but it does mean that he's going to be corrected on it from now on.