Goofus whines about negative comments loudly to the media and then tries to reframe the conversation in a blockheaded way:

In an interview aired Sunday, Ann Romney came to the defense of her husband, who she said “really has been demonized” during his campaign for the White House.

“Mitt and I do recognize that we have not had a financial struggle in our lives,” Ann Romney said in an interview on NBC's “Meet the Press.” “But I want people to believe in their hearts that we know what it is like to struggle. And our struggles have not been financial, but they've been with health and with difficulties in different things in life.”

Gallant makes a joke about negative comments, which makes his opponents look silly and small:

“He was born in Hawaii,” one woman said, pointing to a blond boy down the table.

The president lit up and flashed the Hawaiian shaka hand sign, which the boy — Andre Wupperman, who will be 7 next week — returned.

“You were born in Hawaii?” Mr. Obama asked, then broke out into a smile. “You have a birth certificate?

Bonus Goofus & Gallant moments: Could you imagine how awkward it would've looked if Mitt Romney had been picked up by a gigantic Republican small business owner like this?

And how comfortable does Joe Biden look with a motorcycle mama in his lap?