Mitt Romney fucked up his introduction of Paul Ryan this morning, when he told the audience to join him in welcoming "the next President of the United States—Paul Ryan!" Here's video of that introduction and Ryan's whole speech:

(If you don't have video where you are, the full text of the speech is here.)

The one thing that struck me about this speech—besides Ryan's precise cowlick and his aw-shucks demeanor, which is inaurguably more interesting than Romney—is that Ryan doesn't go into his budget at all. In fact, BuzzFeed published the Romney talking points memo, and here's the first question on the FAQ:

1) Does this mean Mitt Romney is adopting the Paul Ryan plan?

· Gov. Romney applauds Paul Ryan for going in the right direction with his budget, and as president he will be putting together his own plan for cutting the deficit and putting the budget on a path to balance.

So does this mean both candidates will be running against their main achievements in public office—Romney against Romneycare and Ryan against the Ryan Budget? That's certainly something we've never seen before. But the teabaggy base is incredibly excited. Overnight, we got an e-mail from the Tea Party Express calling Ryan a "Strong Tea Party Choice for Vice-President."