Dear kind and gentle souls at City Hall (and Tim Burgess):

Yesterday was Seattle's 28th annual Night Out, our annual opportunity to hold block parties across the city that build neighborhood camaraderie (and provide a chance to drink wine out of plastic cups)! For safety's sake! It's a great event.

But it should be moved to another Tuesday. Since the primary election got moved up to the first Tuesday of August, the timing now clashes with Night Out. That may not matter to some folks, I understand. But a lots of folks who work on campaigns and elections are the same civically minded folks who want to stay connected with their communities. They don't want to choose between politics and their neighborhood. (Man, this is sounding awfully earnest. Yeesh, me.)

But I love Night Out. I know most of the people on my block thanks to Night Out. I want to attend to Night Out again. Yeah, know that Night Out is celebrated around the country on the first Tuesday of August, but so what? Seattle is different. We're special! And what's the harm in changing the date?

Yours truly (please don't hit me again, Tim),