Or, today in humorously overwritten articles...

This BBC piece on the controversy (imagine that all British-like, con-TRAH-versy) surrounding "baby boxes" (public receptacles in which one can deposit a baby) is mostly straightforward:

Boxes where parents can leave an unwanted baby, common in medieval Europe, have been making a comeback over the last 10 years. Supporters say a heated box, monitored by nurses, is better for babies than abandonment on the street—but the UN says it violates the rights of the child.

Then it ends on this gem of a paragraph:

There is no clear right or wrong in this. It is an argument between well-meaning people. The one voice never heard is that of the mother who walks the path with the baby she bore secretly hours earlier, to return without the bundle. Her tears can barely be imagined.

Either way, pro ("the warmth is safe and reassuring") or con ("The baby hatch is so anonymous, and so removed from the availability of counselling, that it creates a damage and a danger to the mother and child."), who doesn't want to read a letter that begins "Dear Mother of a foundling"? A good use of 10 minutes on a rainy afternoon.

Thanks, the Hairpin!