As Megan Seling literally just told you one minute ago, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg yesterday set the internet on fire by proposing a new law:

The proposal would make it illegal for restaurants, delis, food carts, sports arenas, and movie theaters in New York City to sell sweetened drinks that exceed the size limit, or from even giving out cups bigger than 16 ounces if they offer self-serve beverages.

This is already being called a "War on Soda" or a "soda ban" by most press outlets, even though the proposed law doesn't control how much soda you drink. It only regulates the size of soda you can buy. But the cries of impending nanny statehood are deafening, and this is clearly going to be a terrible, messy fight that will transform a Super Big Gulp into a symbol of pride on Fox News. So now it's up to you, Slog...