A court in Iran has sentenced four gay men to death. I'm getting emails today from conservative Christians pointing out that whatever they're guilty of doing here—writing anti-gay bigotry into state constitutions, justifying discrimination against gay people in the workplace, making excuses for anti-gay bullying in schools, bearing false witness against their gay and lesbian neighbors—at least they're not, you know, killing gay people like they do over there. Christians are against killing gay people!

Except when they're not.

The Catholic Church opposed a UN declaration that condemned the imprisonment and executions of gay people in the 80 countries. Also standing in opposition to this UN declaration: Tony Perkins' Family Research Council. Perkins' outfit also lobbied against a U.S. House resolution that condemned a proposed "kill the gays" law in Uganda—a law backed by the our homegrown rightwing religious bigots—that would impose the death penalty on gay men and lesbians. And the American Family Association's Peter Sprigg has called for gay people to be thrown in prison here at home.

So, yeah, deranged rightwing theocratic bigots in the USA aren't executing gay people like the theocrats over in Iran are. But only because they can't get away with it.