Aaron Pickus, spokesman for Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn, confirms what PubliCola is reporting: Rocks were thrown through the windows of the mayor's Greenwood home late last night.

The details: At around midnight, rocks crashed into McGinn's dining room and living room windows. His wife called 911, and officers and McGinn's security detail responded. The mayor was there at the time. Nobody was hurt.

We'll hear more about this at a press conference the mayor will be holding later today.

UPDATE: Here, via the mayor's office, is the police report of the incident.

It notes that when McGinn's wife looked outside after the windows were smashed, she saw two suspects, one of them a white male in his 40s. He "was looking at her and waved," according to the report. "The other individual was standing near [the white male in his 40s] but she was unable to describe that suspect."