This kind of thing is typical...

[Obama] addresses the rights of discrete groups, like women. But, he speaks most passionately of, in essence, a national "oneness." It is a social concept he uses to justify the continual expansion of the scope and power of the federal government. From it flow many proposed social engineering regulations that necessarily erode individual freedoms.
Social Darwinism must not be seen as all that there is to social engineering. Social engineering is indeed something that should not be hated or feared. We must embrace and increase our understanding of it. We are not baboons; we are animals that live in complex cultural worlds. And it is culture that makes us, one, flexible, and, two, the animal with not the least but, as William James once wrote, the most instincts. (I will discuss this idea at length in my class on urban existence and writing.)

Culture is flexible and produces instincts. You do not gain the instinct for balancing and riding a bike biologically but culturally. There are, true, bad instincts, but these can be fixed or corrected with good social engineering.
