Newt's still blathering, but it sounds like he's wrapping up, so I've switched over to CNN's Ron Paul livestream. Guess what Ron Paul is talking about? The banks! What a refreshing change of pace for him. Now he's giving his isolationist schpiel, which never fails to incite the crowd to a huge round of cheers. "You know all my lines," he jokes with them. "We did have an exceptional nation at one time," Ron Paul says, but violence "eliminates all our doesn't work."

The answer? Electing politicians who "obey the Constitution," of course. Ron Paul uses the Cuban Missile Crisis as an example of good diplomacy. That's maybe not the best example of a pacifist solution, considering it's probably the closest we've ever gotten to living on a spent matchstick, but ok. Paul rails against the TSA and the CIA ramping us up into war against Iran. It's meat-and-potatoes time: He's against the PATRIOT Act, too. Ron Paul will never declare war without going to the people. "I will not do it," he says. The crowd goes nuts. "PRESIDENT PAUL! PRESIDENT PAUL!" I think the crowd just booed the killing of Osama bin Laden. Ron praises his son, and the crowd chants "RAND PAUL RAND PAUL RAND PAUL!" Ron Paul giggles in response.

A young woman shouts "WE LOVE YOU, RON PAUL!" He chastises her, lightly: "Now I'm going to forget my speech! What am I going to do?" He's talking about liberty now, and how important it is. This is the meat-and-potatoes part, where he accuses lobbyists of "dividing up the loot." But the Ron Paul movement is growing, Ron Paul says. "Think of how many young people have joined this revolution!" He says, "When this revolution is will be nonpartisan. It will be endorsed by all the American people." Good luck with that. He thanks the crowd, gives a weird, double-handed salute, and that's it.