Aww, shucks, you guys. Look at this yellow rose! According to our receptionist, it was delivered by a hot blonde lady.

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Say, there's a card. Let's take a look:

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From all of us here in the Capitol, I would like to wish you a happy Valentine's Day and a happy Hunger Games. I'll see you on March 23rd.

President Coriolanus Snow

That's my first Valentine to ever come from a fictional president via a movie's PR firm. I wonder how many roses were delivered around the country on behalf of this movie? In other postal news, I also got a very sweet handwritten card from a Minnesota Slog reader named Amy thanking me for writing about the challenge to write a handwritten letter every day in February. Guess which delivery I'm going to treasure for a long time to come? It's not too late to take part in the challenge, as kind of a half-marathon. Start by writing a note to your Valentine and tomorrow send off a quick note or two to your friends and family. I can guarantee from personal experience that they'll love getting a thoughtful piece of mail.