The New Republic is making the text ofeven more of the crazy, bigoted Ron Paul newsletters available to the public.

The new passages are packed with rage about the coming race war, (including a piece bylined by Ron Paul titled "Race Terrorism in America") tons of conspiracy theories, (musings about a second bomb and subsequent coverup in Oklahoma City alongside claims that Timothy McVeigh might have been framed, and "evidence" produced in 1987 that FEMA was part of the plot to introduce martial law in the US, among others) and anti-Israel sentiments.

Also, the pieces on AIDS are especially histrionic:

The main story of the March 1987 Investment Letter is headlined, “AIDS – the Government Lies Again.” It attributes to a mysterious “Dr. Arnold” the claim that “AIDS can be transmitted through means other than sexual intercourse and blood transfusion, specifically saliva, tears, sweat, feces and urine.” The newsletter also advocated that “federal laws which force schools to accept students known to carry a fatal, communicable disease, and businesses to employ adult victims as ‘handicapped’” should be repealed. The November 1987 Political Report said that “we must also allow local school boards to ban AIDS carriers from the public schools.”

A March 1988 Political Report entitled “AIDS by Mail?” approvingly cited speculation that AIDS was being transmitted via the U.S Postal Service. The allegations were sourced to Robert Mendelsohn, a self-proclaimed “medical heretic,” who also opposed water fluoridation and immunizations.

(That last bit is especially interesting, because Paul fans are currently opposing water fluoridation in the Seattle area, as I reported back in September.) There's also a proposal that homosexuals not be allowed in close physical contact with heterosexuals—hey, Andrew Sullivan, how do you like him now?—and various celebrations of patriots who refused to pay their taxes, along with claims that the United States government is a "tyranny."

I encourage you to look at these newsletters. Not just because they identify Ron Paul as a fringe candidate, but also because they serve to remind you that crazy conspiracy theories predate the internet. Some of these histrionic the-world-is-ending-right-now pieces from 1987 sound exactly like the histrionic the-world-is-ending-right-now pieces you'll find on Truther websites today. There will always be nutjobs to prop up bigots like Ron Paul, but the internet has made it much easier, at least, to identify the fringes for what they are.