For a moment, put yourself into the shoes of Fox News producers (a painful task, I know, as both their feet point right). Now I ask you: How do you celebrate MLK Day, Fox News style?

As festivities honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were just getting underway in the nation’s capital on Monday morning, the conservative Fox News Channel hosted Alveda King, the civil rights leader’s niece, for a segment that attempted to portray Dr. King as a Republican-leaning anti-abortion activist.

“You know, my uncle said, ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,’” she explained. “‘The negro cannot win if he’s willing to sacrifice the futures of his children for immediate personal comfort and safety.’ So that led me to say, a woman has a right to choose what she does with her body. The baby is not her body.”

...Despite her allegations, Dr. King was firmly in favor of family planning as a means of easing overpopulation and raising the standard of living for each individual. In 1966, he received the first ever Margaret Sanger award, an honor named after Planned Parenthood’s founder. King was one of four recipients, along with President Lyndon Johnson.

Some days I fantasize about how conservative Christians would react if, just once, a stray lightning bolt would smoke the shit out of a someone like Alveda King in the midst of a televised anti-abortion screed.