So I have a question about etiquette. I share a house with a girl who just met a guy she likes. They just recently started having sex, and it's created an issue for me. Basically, the walls are thin, and while I can ignore things when I am in my room with the door closed, when I go into any of the common spaces I can hear way more than I want to. I feel like when this is going on that I am violating their privacy, but at the same time need to do things like eat and use the bathroom.

I had a discussion with her about the issue, basically asking that they wait to go at it outside of mealtimes (I don't care about at night or when I'm not around), but she feels like that's unfairly restrictive. I could be wrong about this, but I also don't think she's bothered by me hearing some of it, and as a grown woman feels that she has a right to do what she wants in her own room, which seems reasonable.

Dan, I consider myself sex-positive, and am happy she has found someone she likes, so if you consider me at fault in this I will accept your advice. I come from a background where there was some sexual abuse and have some weird hang-ups that are almost certainly coloring my reactions (I hate it when others hear me having sex, for instance). The option for both of us to find another living situation is of course present, but I'm wondering how other people manage this same circumstance.

Person Requesting Unhearing Declaimations of Ecstasy

My response after the jump.


iPhone in your pocket, earbuds in your ears, showtunes (or your preferred tunes) blasting away as your roommate and her boyfriend hammer away. Problem solved.