George H. W. Bush has all but officially endorsed Mitt Romney, in a surprise announcement that will send literally tens of voters flocking to the wealthy Republican candidate:

“I think Romney is the best choice for us,” former President Bush told the Houston Chronicle this week. “I like Perry, but he doesn’t seem to be going anywhere; he’s not surging forward.”...Choosing his words carefully, the former president said he knew Gingrich relatively well. “I’m not his biggest advocate,” he said.

Gingrich, it turns out, basically stabbed the elder Bush in the back when it came time for him to go back on his pledge to not raise taxes. Bush also called Romney the "most electable” candidate, which always works out well.

In other endorsement news, New Hampshire paper the Concord Monitor has endorsed Jon Huntsman, calling him "consistent," "mature, steady and informed." It reads more like an outright rebuke of Romney, who needs a convincing New Hampshire win to propel him to the nomination:

With Gingrich, voters would get an unpredictable, unprincipled nominee and, should he be elected, a white-knuckle four years of an imperial presidency. With Romney, they wouldn't know who they would get: the moderate Mitt who was once pro-choice, in favor of a health-care mandate, a supporter of the auto industry bailout and a believer that human activity was contributing to climate change - or the newly conservative Romney, who opposes abortion, claims the reason for climate change is unknown, opposes a health insurance mandate and claims that bailing out Detroit was a mistake.