Many opponents of same-sex marriage insist that they're not haters. Oh, no: they oppose marriage rights for gays and lesbians—they oppose any and all civil rights protections for LGBT people—because they just love us sooooooo much. The gay lifestyle is dangerous, you see, and if discriminating against all gays and lesbians convinces a few of us to go back in the closet, "escape the gay lifestyle," and marry Michele Bachmann live a lie, well, it's for our own good!

Anyone who's truly concerned for the health and welfare of gay people—and not, you know, just rolling their hatred in the glue and glitter of false compassion—should back full civil equality for gays and lesbians:

Legalising same-sex marriage may create a healthier environment for gay men, say US researchers. The number of visits by gay men to health clinics dropped significantly after same-sex unions were allowed in the state Massachusetts. This was regardless of whether the men were in a stable relationship, reported the American Journal of Public Health.... Research has already suggested that gay men are more likely to suffer from depression and suicidal thoughts than heterosexual men, and that social exclusion may be partly responsible.... Dr Mark Hatzenbuehler, who led the study, said: "Our results suggest that removing these barriers improves the health of gay and bisexual men "Marriage equality may produce broad public health benefits by reducing the occurrence of stress-related health conditions."