Talking Points Memo wants you to meet Women for Cain, which is a site where women tell Herman Cain to stick with his presidential campaign. They also tell Gloria Cain to stand by her man:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Cain, I want you to know that I fully support you! I've sent $9.99 several times, and will continue to do so every chance I get. I wish I could do more! I'm "reassessing" my Christmas List... instead of buying misc $10 gifts for people I barely know anyway, I'm sending all that money to you. YOU are who this country needs. Please don't let the opposition win, they are vile liars and will face God for what they've done to you...

"Mr. Cain, To me you are the embodiment of the prayers of every faithful believing slave who turned to ALMIGHTY GOD for deliverance from slavery and inequality. You are the embodiment of Martin Luther King Jr. 'I have a dream' speech. You are the only hope I have for a future in America!Be strong and of good courage Mr. Cain, Our God Reigns! "

Dear Mrs. Cain, don’t pay attention to these pathetic husbandless women who are jealous of women like you in happy long-term marriages.

Talking Points Memo also points out that the photographer who took the stock photograph on the Women for Cain site works out of Germany, so the women giving thumbs up for Cain are presumably Germans.