Never one to miss an opportunity to insert himself into a controversy, Mark Driscoll, the blogging pastor of Mars Hill Church, has added his own thoughts to the theo-political question of whether Mormonism is a cult, concluding, um, yeah...

Simply said, by the theological definition, Mormonism is a cult.

As the presidential race heats up and the prospect of a practicing Mormon as a viable Republican candidate becomes more a reality, there will be continued effort to bring Mormonism into the center of Christian orthodoxy. Thus, it's important to understand what the cult of Mormonism teaches, to understand that it's antithetical to Christianity, and that, while it's certain there are some Christians in the Mormon church who love the Jesus of the Bible and don’t understand or agree with what their church teaches, the Mormon church could never be considered orthodox unless it made some serious and massive changes to it’s theology.

[...] Many mormons are good neighbors, friends, and fellow citizens. But, we cannot go so far as to call them brothers and sisters in a common faith. To do so is to not only confuse real Christians, but to also diminish the importance of lovingly speaking with Mormons about the errors of their belief in hopes of seeing them come to know the real God of the Bible and avoiding eternal damnation for worshipping a false god.

Huh. Kinda offensive to Mormons, I guess. But then, as a Jew, I'd classify Christianity as a cult, so who am I criticize?