In case you missed it: Justice Sanders running (again, still) for election? Woodland Park Zoo trying (again, still) for an elephant baby? Elizebeth Campbell (again, still) a loser?

The mercy seat: A campaign to spare a murderer from execution, by a man who the murderer almost killed.

How not to stonewall: A look at how Rupert Murdoch's empire tried, and failed, to keep the hacking scandal from exploding.

Hot hot heat: Everywhere but here.

A compost too smelly: "Cedar Grove Composting, the region's largest processor of yard waste and food scraps, must pay $119,000 in fines for odors from its Maple Valley and Everett composting facilities, a state hearings board has ruled."

Against ultra-safe playgrounds: Because, really.

A clean sweep by the young ladies: At the first Google Science Fair.

Qaddafi: Still in power.

And happy birthday to Hunter S. Thompson, who so many hacks have tried, and failed, to copy—and who was really enraged about his JVC machine one time or something. Best to watch here, but this will do: