Simen Johan, from the And Nothing Was To Be Trusted series, 1999, at the Henry
  • Simen Johan, from the And Nothing Was To Be Trusted series, 1999, at the Henry
Gabriel von Maxs That is the witches' one-times-one! from his illustrations of Faust, 1880.
  • Gabriel von Max's That is the witches' one-times-one! from his illustrations of Faust, 1880.
1. The Digital Eye: Photographic Art in the Electronic Age at the Henry. (Curated by Henry director Sylvia Wolf.)

2. Gabriel von Max: Be-Tailed Cousins and Phantasms of the Soul at the Frye. (Curated by Frye director Jo-Anne Birnie Danzker.)

3. The Divided $elf: New Work by Matthew Offenbacher at Vignettes (Wednesday-night only!).

From The Divided $elf, 2011.
  • From The Divided $elf, 2011.