Herman Cain, who honestly released a gospel album yesterday, has a harsh take on immigration:

"I just got back from China," Cain told potential voters in Pella, Iowa, in early June. "Ever heard of the Great Wall of China? It looks pretty sturdy. And that sucker is real high. I think we can build one if we want to! We have put a man on the moon, we can build a fence!"

"Now, my fence might be part Great Wall and part electrical technology," Cain continued. "It will be a 20-foot wall, barbed wire, electrified on the top, and on this side of the fence, I'll have that moat that President Obama talked about. And I would put those alligators in that moat!"

Now Republican Latinos are striking back:

"We call on Herman Cain to drop his candidacy for president. His recent comments and lack of practical solutions to solving illegal immigration show he’s not a serious candidate," the Somos Republicans group wrote in a statement released Monday.

"Many Hispanics find his recent comments comparing immigrants to 'invading Huns' offensive, and also insensitive when thousands of immigrants died crossing the desert. We’re looking for practical and humane solutions, and find Cain’s pandering to xenophobes disgusting.

So it's Cain's move. Personally, I think he's crazy enough to tell them that he's sensitive to Hispanic issues because he's the mastermind behind Godfather's Taco Pizza, which I recently learned was the least disgusting item on Godfather's roundly disgusting menu.