It's been a few hours now, and neither of National Review's blogs have mentioned Michele Bachmann's spirit-melding with John Wayne Gacy. In fact, we have to go visit the second-tier conservative sites to find someone who's even willing to mention it. And so here we are at Hot Air, which is blaming the media for turning it into an issue. They also provide an incredibly lame excuse for Bachmann's mistake.

So let me address Hot Air for a second, here to explain what's funny about this: Nobody on the left actually believes that Bachmann worships John Wayne Gacy. But this is not an isolated incident: Bachmann fucks up on a regular (some would say alarming) basis. And the real issue here is that Bachmann gave a speech just this morning about how she is from the city of Waterloo, Iowa and that she is an Iowan, through and through. Then she immediately goes on live television and gets a basic fact about life in Waterloo, Iowa—something that any citizen of Waterloo would know, deep in their DNA—completely, embarrassingly wrong. She not only made a touristy mistake by confusing Waterloo with another nearby town whose name begins with a W, but she brought up her "beloved" home town's secret shame on national TV. This is not the behavior of a candidate who is ready for national attention. This is amateur hour. The fact that Bachmann's campaign still hasn't responded to the mistake makes it even worse.

Anyway, here are a bunch of hilarious comments from that Hot Air post:

John Wayne would defend women against this media.

The people attacking her are just racist. You’d never see them go after Obama like this, even when he makes worse mistakes.

And here I thought she was talking about a man named Wayne, not Gacey.

If only John Wayne Gacy had been an abortion doctor wearing clown makeup ala Kermit Gosnell, he could have been a lefty hero.