Portrait of a dilapidated greenhouse on Vashon by Matthew Olds and Heather Joy.
  • Portrait of a dilapidated greenhouse on Vashon by Matthew Olds and Heather Joy.
There are tours for lazy people. Tours for people with a mustache. Tours regarding love, loss, and invention. Each tour, I can assure you, is led by a lovely human (Ellen Forney! Joey Veltkamp! Jesse Higman! See?). Tour list here, maps with venues here.

As for the art, let me recommend Flourishing Remnants, a portrait of the dilapidated greenhouses on Vashon Island where world-renowned collections of roses and orchids once grew. They were built in the early 20th century, and now they're abandoned—except for the attention lavished on them by the artists Heather Joy and Matthew Olds, who depict the life that continues in them in paintings, photography, drawings, and an installation.

And then there are watercolors of meat by Jamie Healy at the endlessly sweet Joe Bar, folks. Watercolors of meat.