Alex Fryer, the spokesman for pro-tunnel campaign Let's Move Forward, made a dramatic plea on KUOW this morning that was basically an attempt to displace Eli Sanders from his regular guest spot on Weekday. Eli sits across from pro-tunnel Seattle Times editorial board writer Joni Balter, who disagrees with Eli on... almost everything. There's a balance of ideas. But Fryer has his panties in a twist because Dan and I have donated to the anti-tunnel campaign.

The Stranger's writers aren't profiting from supporting a tunnel referendum, there's no advertising revenue for the paper, there's no ulterior motive, and there's no conflict of interest. This is a ginned up media stunt by the paid flack of an astroturf campaign. If anyone is guilty of dishonestly wearing two hats, it's Fryer. He's the former spokesman for pro-tunnel mayor Greg Nickels and now the mouthpiece for a tunnel campaign. Kudos to him for getting this media hit in (it really is quite clever, Alex), because that's his job.

But it's illogical for Alex to claim that people whose jobs are reporting news and sharing their opinions should lead a public life of advocacy and a private life of celibacy. If you're going to be a public advocate, then being a private advocate is, at least, honestly consistent.

Fryer just wishes that Eli would shut up, that The Stranger would stop exposing the tunnel's flaws, and that I would stop posting links to Protect Seattle Now's fundraising website. Fryer is trying to bully tunnel critics into shutting their mouths and shutting their wallets.

No way, fucker.
