
So this guy's been at the old church on the corner of 14th and Spring, every time I drive or walk down 14th Avenue, for the past two months. I've seen him there, arms outstretched and unmoving, at least 6 or 7 times. Sometimes he's wearing a scary black trenchcoat, sometimes, like today, he has a green broom. Today, I figured, what the hell, I'm gonna ask him how he's doing...

ME: Hi, how ya doin?
ME: Hey, you afraid of what's going to happen today? Y'know, at 6:00 pm?
MWB: We're (smiles)... We're going to be JUST FINE.
ME: So I shouldn't worry?
MWB: You never know when Jesus will return!
ME: Ok, great! Have a nice day, then.
MWB: No, that's not it. Have a bless'ed day.