Further demonstrations of bipartisanship, Republican-style, as Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald attempts to mend fences with his colleagues across the aisle by denying them (and thus their districts) representation on on Senate committees:

With the return of the Senate Democrats this weekend, questions have arisen regarding Democrat members’ participation in Senate standing committee public hearings and executive sessions.

Please note that all 14 Democrat senators are still in contempt of the Senate. Therefore, when taking roll call votes on amendments and bills during executive sessions, Senate Democrats’ votes will not be reflected in the Records of Committee Proceedings or the Senate Journal. They are free to attend hearings, listen to testimony, debate legislation, introduce amendments, and cast votes to signal their support/opposition, but those votes will not count, and will not be recorded.

I dunno... is it too strong a word to describe this as "despotism"...? Maybe. But anybody who expects today's Republican Party, given total control, to treat Democrats as anything but the Washington Generals of politics, is kidding themselves.