Here's video (from Engadget) of a Geminoid robot based on Professor Henrik Scharfe of Denmark's Aalborg University. It is trying to smile:

(More video of Scharfe-bot shuttling through various facial expressions can be found after the jump.)

In other creepy robot news, Japanese "roboticist" Hiroshi Ishiguro has created a cell phone version of his Telenoid R1 Larvabot. "Talk into its belly and use a motion-capture system to transmit your face and head movements to the Elfoid, which will act them out, conveying your presence in a way that voices just can’t." Video of a non-moving Larvabot is creepy enough as it is. I don't know if I ever want to see a friend's voice come out of this thing:

I never thought real robots would make me nostalgic for Terminators, but the future has arrived and it is creepy as fuck.