"Amazing how fucked up the 'controversy' was," says Slog tipper Adam. And it's amazing to reflect on how far we've come, and how fast. Contrast the controversy that this very special episode of Quantum Leap kicked off with how non-controversial the unabashedly pro-gay Glee is. Note how the producers of Quantum Leap were careful to include "both sides" of the issue—the issue being the suicides of bullied gay teenagers. Haven't seen the episode, not sure how they represented the "pro" side of the gay-teen-suicide debate, but I'm glad we're not having that debate anymore—at least not on Glee.

And speaking of Glee: this is the sweetest damn thing I've ever heard. Except for the cigarette thing—they changed half the lyrics to Rocky Horror, coudn't they come up with something else for "maybe just a cigarette more"? And the lyrics I've looked at have "maybe just a half a drink more," actually. But I agree with this commenter at JMG:

In my day, the only film I can remember with gays was Boys in the Band—a depressing drama about how awful it was to be gay. Now we have Xmas TV shows with beautiful boys singing love lyrics to each other. There is hope and things DO seem to be getting better.